Endangered Humanity

Published Nov 9, 2023

In the chaos of 2023, amidst a once vibrant city reduced to rubble, stands a symbol of collective failure. It’s a logo reminiscent of the WWF, but instead of an animal, it bears the face of a sad Palestinian child. This emblem is the World Humanity Foundation (WHF), an artistic critique on skewed priorities.

Painted on a broken wall in a war-torn land, the logo serves as a haunting reminder of lost innocence and forsaken values. The child’s face is encircled by a branch with leaves in the hues of Palestine’s flag, symbolizing growth, youth, and hope, tinged with melancholy.

This image contrasts starkly with the devastation beyond the wall. Gaza city, smoldering and shrouded in smoke, its skyline punctuated by the terrifying glow of falling bombs. It is an apocalyptic backdrop to the innocence and hope represented by the child’s face—a chilling testament to the inhumanity that led us here.

This artwork comments on a world where we rally to save animals like whales, tigers, and pandas, yet turn a blind eye to the annihilation of innocent children. We advocate for animal rights while racism and hatred wipe out entire communities.

The WHF logo symbolizes a world that prioritizes wildlife preservation over human lives—a world quick to advocate for endangered species but slow to act for endangered humans. It calls for reevaluating our principles, reawakening our conscience, and acknowledging the depth of the Palestinian crisis.

This artwork serves as a powerful indictment, a plea for empathy and action. As smoke blurs Gaza’s skyline, let us remember that each obscured star represents a life extinguished, a dream shattered. We must recognize our collective responsibility to protect our planet, its wildlife, and fellow humans in dire need of help.

I urge you, my fellow followers, to use this symbol as a reminder that something is profoundly wrong. Make it your profile picture, share it, and talk about it. Let it be a beacon that forces the world to confront its blindness. We, as artists and humans, possess the power to amplify this message, to shake the world from its apathy. Let’s stand for Palestine. Let’s stand for humanity.

Photoshop, AI

Save Palestine Series Section

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